~`♥ WeLc0mE

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~`♥ Pr0fiLe
♥I believe that staying happy is the most important thing in life and a cheerful mindset will help put you through any obstacle in life.
♥School:Fuchun Primary
Canberra Secondary
Republic Polytechnic
♥Course: Biomedical Science
♥Loves: KPOP
♥Desires: Dress
Everything that I wish for in my mind :)
Good Grades for UT :)
My own Laptop
Neoprints with Dearies
New handphone
Unforgettable Birthday celebration
~`♥ Scream
~`♥ dArLiNkiEs
♥Best Friends
~`♥ Past
[ 4/1/07 - 5/1/07 ]
[ 4/1/10 - 5/1/10 ]
[ 5/1/10 - 6/1/10 ]
[ 6/1/10 - 7/1/10 ]
[ 7/1/10 - 8/1/10 ]
[ 8/1/10 - 9/1/10 ]
[ 9/1/10 - 10/1/10 ]
[ 10/1/10 - 11/1/10 ]
[ 11/1/10 - 12/1/10 ]
~`♥ CrEdiTs
Image -- wikipedia | domo-kun fan site
Brushes -- 1
Skins -- Blogskins
Fonts -- Dafont
Layout & Design -- yiNgz~
~`♥ ExTrAs

Music Playlist at MixPod.com